Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Songcatcher by Sharyn McCrumb

The Songcatcher by Sharyn McCrumb was a pick for my book club by my friend.  I wasn't sure this would be my thing, but I really liked it a lot.  It starts in 1751 off the coast of Scotland on a tiny island where the young boy Malcolm McCurry is climbing the rocks by the sea and gets captured by sailors, and thus starts his 2nd life at sea.  The book switches from Malcolm's story and follows his descendants to the current day McCurry's and how a song connects them all in the beautiful mountains of the Appalachians and the Tennessee wilderness.  This is an adult novel and very clean.  Be sure and read the afterword by the author where you find out it is based on truth and the author's own family.  I always think that is cool.  A good read, and it makes me want to go hike the Appalachian Trail this summer (or some day)!

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